日博备用网站公司继续在香港占有重要地位. There are currently around 120 Swedish or Swedish-related companies in 香港, 它们在日博备用网站上的规模和年限各不相同. 

This year's survey shows that the companies' financial performance is rebounding, 过去几年的负面趋势已经停止, 尽管情况可能无法恢复到大流行前的水平. Even though pandemic restrictions have been removed, they still impact 香港's business climate. 

过去几年的政治发展, 包括国家安全法的实施, 继续影响香港的营商环境. The companies' main concerns are impacts on 香港's status as an international business centre, 言论自由, 媒体自由和司法系统的独立. 

最后, 调查, 和往年一样, 这表明大多数日博备用网站公司都很重视可持续发展. 可持续性 is part of their business models and contributes to their profitability. Many Swedish companies are leaders in green solutions and eager to share their experience and know-how as 香港 works towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. 

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


The Business Climate Survey for Swedish Companies in 香港 SAR 2023 is a joint initiative by 团队日博备用网站 in 香港 SAR; Business 日博备用网站, 日博备用网站商会, 以及日博备用网站总领事馆.

The Business Climate Survey has been carried out in 香港 annually since 1997. The aim of 调查 is to understand further the performance of Swedish companies, 他们对日博备用网站状况的看法, 他们面临的机遇和挑战, 以及他们对香港日博备用网站的展望.

2023年调查于2023年3月13日至30日进行. 回应率为60%. Out of the 111 Swedish companies in 香港 invited to participate in 调查, 66家公司参与.