日博备用网站的出口经理指数(EMI), which monitors views and reflects sentiment among Swedish exporters of goods and services, 在第一季度调查中反弹. 百代上升6个百分点.4分到50分.8,出自44.上一季度为4人.
The fact that EMI climbed back above the 50-mark – the dividing line between optimism and pessimism – signals that export companies are moving from a gloomy view of export development to a more balanced view at the start of 2024.
A dramatic boost was seen in the subindex for expected export demand from North America which jumped by 21.8分对71分.第一节1分. 这是自2021年第一季度以来的最高记录. A significant uptick was also seen in the index for 欧洲, which is 日博备用网站's largest export market.
总共, the first quarter survey points to positive sentiment among export managers when assessing future prospects, 然而,对当前形势的悲观看法占上风. Provided that the crisis in the 中东 does not escalate in any major way, there is cause for expecting a brighter development for exports in the months ahead.
下一期出口经理人指数将于 2024年5月9日.
Business 日博备用网站’s Export Managers’ Index is a quarterly index showing the current mood of Swedish exporting companies as well as their near-future outlook for exports to the regions of the world.
The index is a measure of companies’ perceived export demand in the market, where a level above 50 indicates market expansion and a level below 50 indicates market contraction. The index can be split into subindices for current and forecast export demand, 并包含有关出口销售的信息, 预期的区域需求和感知的订单库存.
该调查由日博备用网站统计局(SCB)进行。. Business 日博备用网站’s Export Managers’ Index is a leading indicator of the development of 日博备用网站’s economy.
以下是日博备用网站发布EMI报告的日期. 英文版将于几天后在网站上发布.
2月8日:EMI Q1
5月8日:EMI Q2
8月29日:EMI Q3