Despite initiatives introduced to stimulate the number of births in several markets in Asia, the trend of declining birth rates is predicted to continue during the coming years. 因此,今天的孩子越来越多地被父母、祖父母和其他人“宠坏”.

The sales of children’s wear have increased annually between 2015-2019, reaching BUSD 45 in total across China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea in 2019. Sales are projected to continue to grow in the coming years, following a small downturn in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 在传统玩具和游戏领域也可以看到类似的趋势,总销售额达到19美元.4 in 2020, growing annually by 2.5 per cent from BUSD 17.2 in 2015.

There is also a shift in consumer behavior, with primarily four trends contributing:

  • Sustainability and safety for children.
  • Design in focus.
  • Educational children’s products to boost learning and development.
  • Online expansion though brick-and-mortar stores remain important.
Sustainability and safety for children

Not only are parents spending more on each child, but they also care more about the type and the quality of the products they purchase.

许多消费者愿意为高质量的产品和安全的品牌为他们的孩子支付额外的费用, often being less price sensitive than when purchasing for themselves. Sustainable clothing, 因此,近年来,哪些使用适合儿童敏感皮肤的有机织物和材料的产品需求量越来越大.

Due to these higher requirements on quality and safety, 儿童产品所使用的成分已经成为家长在做出购买决定时的一个重要因素. Safety certificates is another factor that has gained in importance in recent years. For example, 韩国的家长越来越多地将目光投向ce认证以外的其他认证,以突出产品的可持续性和/或安全性.

In Hong Kong, 婴儿和儿童专用产品领域预计在2020年至2025年期间每年增长6%. Consumers have a strong preference for foreign brands, 因为它们被认为是特别高质量的,并且具有更高的安全标准. 在台湾日博备用网站也可以观察到类似的趋势,高端婴幼儿产品日博备用网站预计将从2020年的30%增长到2025年的35%. 由于台湾人口更加富裕,预计台湾婴儿和儿童产品的平均支出总体上将继续增长2%.

Design in focus

Children’s clothing is typically colourful and fun. But in several markets, 人们开始转向更柔和的色彩,并更加注重儿童服装的设计.

In recent years, “阿谀奉承”或“迷你我”的概念在中国和新加坡的年轻父母中越来越流行. This means that parents are looking to mimic their own style for their children, creating smaller versions of themselves that are often shared on social media. 从快时尚到奢侈品牌,许多国内外品牌已经适应了这一趋势,并接受了这一概念.

Educational children’s products to boost learning and development

With high competition for spots in schools, and with a preferred school plan often in place from a young age, 许多家长希望通过课外活动或游戏来提高孩子的教育水平. Consequently, the edtech sector has seen a boom across several markets. However, in some markets, the sector’s progress has been cut short. To illustrate, 2021年,中国禁止在周末和节假日进行学校课程课后辅导,以减轻孩子们的压力.

Education and edtech aside, 提供创造性和/或教育效益的玩具和游戏越来越受欢迎,以促进儿童的发展. 从香港父母的购买习惯可以看出,他们对玩具和游戏的附加值期望越来越高, Singapore, and Japan.

Online expansion, but brick-and-mortar stores remain important

Online channels have become increasingly important for customers when shopping for children, 无论是购买还是收集信息,这一趋势在COVID-19大流行期间得到了进一步加强.

That said, traditional offline channels should not be forgotten. 电子商务正在成为日本零售业更重要的采购渠道, South Korean, Chinese, Singaporean, Hong Kong and Taiwanese markets in Asia, traditional retail stores remain important purchasing channels.

In 2020, more than 60 per cent of sales from traditional toys and games came through offline channels; especially geographically smaller markets, 2019年,新加坡和香港等地的传统玩具和游戏在线下销售中所占比例很大(分别为92%和83%), respectively).

Examples of popular offline stores are:

  • In Singapore, 最大的实体零售渠道是Fairprice和Dairy Farm,那里有很多面向儿童和家庭的产品. For children’s wear, Le Petit Society is a popular destination.
  • In Taiwan, a large selection of children products can be found in SOGO department stores.
  • In South Korea, Shinsegae is the largest retailer of clothes and accessories for children.
Future outlook and business opportunities for Swedish companies

Following a demographic shift in APAC markets, with declining birth rates and fewer children per family, consumer behaviours are changing. 今天的父母在购买儿童服装和教育玩具和游戏时,对设计和材料的选择(可持续和有机)越来越感兴趣.

这将为日博备用网站面向儿童和家庭的消费品牌提供大量机会, 尤其是那些利用日博备用网站形象的公司——在亚太地区日博备用网站日博备用网站形象通常与自然等日博备用网站在一起, clean air, and organic and sustainable production.

To make a successful market entry, Swedish companies need to identify the market that best fits their offering, understand the latest developments and trends, and analyse how to best navigate the different existing channels.


Linda Bradley, Hong Kong & Asia.

Johan Thurée, Mainland China.

Mattias Dec, Taiwan. 


*Excluding video games